Sociability has never been an issue with Filipinos

One of the most social people of the planet are Filipinos
Mobile phones in the Philippines are used by Filipinos to stay in touch with loved ones, friends, family members etc.

In fact, Filipinos may hold the record on sending the most text messages on the whole world, and in fact is being call by some “the texting capitol of the world” and they are very proud of it.

The estimate of the amount of text messages that Filipinos sends each and every day totals around 400 plus missions; and that equals a cool approximate amount of over 140 billion with a “B” sentences per year.

One of the main reasons that may be a factor in this amazing phenomenon may be an overwhelming factor in why Filipinos on average will hesitate to use their minutes or what is commonly known as a load (like a credit card wallet load, to make phone calls.
This is one of the many reasons that Filipinos can be called the King and queens of the texting messaging realm.
Besides the fact of saving money, Filipinos have embraced the texting phenomenon as a very convenient way to communicate without requiring them to spend their hard-earned phone load on actual calls. So the SMS, which is stands for Short Message Service, has risen like the Phoenix, and appears to be hear toy stay in the vibrate and flourishing world of the Filipino people.
Research on this topic in regards the Filipino passion for texting, shows that 149 billion text sentences per year is more than the combines daily text messages sent on the United States of America, and Europe combined.
Wow, and amazing is all this author can say.
The Filipino phenomenon of sociability appears to be here to say no matter what!

Filipinos are very sociable. They can socialize even they dont know the person. Filipinos are a very hospitalized persons and a persons who helped. A persons who has a good heart for every individual. Because they believe in the sayings that “NO MAN IS AN ISLAND”.
Yes, I witness how social Filipinos are first hand for many years. That experience of seeing how friends and sociable Filipinos were to me and others was a very rewarding and delightful experience. Right, even when a Filipino does not do not know a person very well, they step up, become very friendly, and welcoming for the most part. Yes, Filipino’s heart is all good when it comes to caring about induvial (sometimes even the ones that they don’t know) friends, and especially family members. I agree that know man is an island, but in my country many do think that they are with their rich snobbish attitudes. Oh how I miss the Philippines 🙂
For me, one of the reason why Filipinos are attached to their mobile phone, is that, we Filipinos are very sociable. We are family oriented, we have close ties with close and distance relatives, we love companionship with colleagues and friends. We tend to keep contact with the one we care for or even those that we don’t really close to us. We usually check on them through texting and calling them, if how’s their days, their situation and all. That even they are distance away we still feel connected even through phones. The Filipinos are also known for hospitality, for being caring and for being sweet. So when we care someone that is distance away texting them or calling them is the least we can do to get in touch with them.
I agree that sociability is a driving factor in the Filipino phenomenon of texting. This means in my humble opinion, that for the most part Filipinos are very friendly with each other, and to others around the world that has translated into an exuberant (exciting) form of low-cost communication to thousand; perhaps millions of text messages daily, monthly, and annually, by Filipinos.
This texting pastime has in deed created a tighter bonding rate between Filipino friends, and families alike. The distances of where each of us live does not matter as the phone and texting connection is linking the world together as one with out leaving your home which is amazing.
Filipinos have capitalized on the texting wave, and carried it to the next level of hospitality, family cohesiveness, and helping to ensure no one feels along.
Socmed is one of the most important that every individuals could used. For us to communicate, socialized to our loveones via zoom,skype,messenger and others apps that we could used. Socmed also important for those sellers like me especially now a days that its hard for you to go outside and sale your items face to face with the customers. Through social media you can do what you want. And everything would be so easy because of it. Hence, we should use socmed in a better purpose for it will cause harm if you would used it in a wrong way.
@erma Agreed, socializing with all the tools on and off-line that we all have is amazing and very important in helping us communicate with our love ones. Zoom, Skype, and other online apps have indeed, made the world a smaller place to reach out and touch others around the world. Social media does allow us to do many things online such as setup and online store in the applicable market place, post photos, and create articles etc., which can be an overwhelming positive experience for each and everyone of us. I also agree that the social media platforms should be used for good and not evil or bad ways. Like it or not social media is here to stay. Adjusting to social media is very easy for the young, and perhaps with a little help from the young, the older generation will login as well. Bottom line is social media is a very indispensable tool for most of us in todays face pace world.
Yes out of 100 %, 90% of filipinos now a days has cellphone. But always remember that we should be wise in using time limits for our eyes to be rest. Used social media in a better way for you couldn’t harm no one. Social media for communication for you can communicate with your love one and catching up news. Social media for school purposes, for you to search and to learn about all the topic and tasks that has been given by your teachers to you. And Also social media for selling goods and any items for it could help you in your daily living.