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Yes ate @Viang, Trees are very important, human needs it as will as animal too. Trees needs human for carbon dioxide. While human needs trees for oxygen. Animals need trees for their food. While, trees need died animals for decomposition. Thats why trees has a wide contribution in our mother earth.
I would really suggest it to my friends whom searching for their to love and true happiness. This site would help them alot. A website where they can finally found their missing peace. A dating site where thiers a chance from hopeless to have hope. And a chance to all single to be taken.
Yes, thats why many people here in philippines tried to find job from other country. Other countries give good quality services when it comes to salary, pensions and others. OFW find new home in other countries unlike, here in the philippines. They fell alone, stress and homesick.But sad to say that they need to be far from their families rather than be with them but still homeless.😭
MemberOctober 5, 2021 at 3:06 am in reply to: Duterte says vaccine refusers in the Philippines should be detained at home.Here in philippines if youll be vaccinated you will be a zombie sooner or later😅. Well thats someones think but,everyone should be vaccinated for us to be free from these serious kind of virus. Lets help one another.Lets all get vaccinated. Lets be free from all of these.
A very nice app where you can reach more friends in an outside world. A dating site where you can find friends,family and maybe one of your love. It pertains to any person whom searching for true love. A true love that everyone deserves. And a true love you might find in xoomdating.com
MemberOctober 4, 2021 at 11:13 pm in reply to: Dance Off Music Video Competition being considered for OctoberWish that dance contest would be now official. It would be so fun. Looking forward to that contes. It will enhance you psychomotor and ability in making steps. Also one way bonding of the family.
Your very much right. These pandemic affects in every individual. From your mostly fun and excited outdoor activities to less boring indoor activities. It change our way of doing alot. But if you know how to make the indoor activities fun. Then, you can conclude that pandemic doesn’t affect everything from you.
Theres alot of food that I love to eat. But theres one food that comforts me most in English called it “Christmas tree with nails” but in WARAY we called it “LAW-OY”. When you eat this it will ease your worries inside. One of the best Filipino food that I always wanted. That’s why for me this is the most precious food that i want to eat at all times.
That’s right kua bhert. Me, as a friend, guardian and a parent of my kid. I should fulfill the emptiness and lack of learning of my child as it is my rule as will as my obligation into him. In these crisis that we are suffering now is really very hard. But,we need to conquer this. We need to fight for these for this not for our selves or for our family but we need to fight for our fellow countrymen.
Not only in US but also in many countries. Many of them is suffering from this kind of situation. Lack of shelter to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear. It is very sad to know that theres alot of people having this kind of emptiness . People who suffered from these cruelty world. People who didn’t choose to be like this. But, in reality happens.
Me, as a parent who have a child i would say NO. Knowing why? I don’t want my child to be indulge in these kind of situation where in he/she can be one of those persons who have been transmitted by this virus. Parents and siblings can help each other regarding this modular activities. The most important is the health of every individual. Learning can be process but health is wealth.
MemberOctober 5, 2021 at 4:44 am in reply to: Dance Off Music Video Competition being considered for OctoberAnyway, thank you for sharing this wonderful mycoolchat.com. I enjoyed it a lot it helps sharpen your mind. Giving discussion and expressing your thoughts and ideas regarding the topic that has given to you. Asking someones perspective or insight about the happening now a days. And you’ve noticed that everyone has its own uniqueness when it comes to giving an answers to a certain questions.
MemberOctober 5, 2021 at 3:01 am in reply to: Dance Off Music Video Competition being considered for OctoberNot totally a dancer but knows how to dance.He wants too but he doesnt have cellphone.
Thank you also for letting us to shared our one of a kind comfort dish.
Students can connect to their teachers.. Theres always away if they want too. That’s why we have zoom.com or Facebook live chat. It doesn’t mean that NO face to face NO learning and knowledge.. Everything and everywhere theres always learning involve.You as a parents have an obligation to assist your kids for them to learn and to be learn.