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Now a days,many people especially here in philippines wants to have a greater numbers of children in a particular family. WHY? Because for them, having a big number of a family member would be a greater chance or opportunity to have a better life in the future. Parents don’t think that if they would have a bigger number of children’s, lack of attentions that kids deserve. Less of food they can eat and. Lack of needs they can have everyday.
We all know that trees has alot of purpose in this world. Like trees could be a house. Trees could be a chair and everything. We can cut trees but please REPLANT. Replanting is one way of preventing floodings.
MemberOctober 5, 2021 at 7:33 pm in reply to: Dance Off Music Video Competition being considered for OctoberMaybe, probably next time.
That would be an awesome idea. Will these is what i am doing right now admin. Selling goods, or any products that would probably needed now a days. Especially its hard for everyone to go outside. Sellers can give discounts or free delivery of their items to an specific area.
MemberOctober 5, 2021 at 10:59 pm in reply to: Duterte says vaccine refusers in the Philippines should be detained at home.Yes you have a point. People should choose a better president who will lead not to be lead. Who has the ability to bring our country in a right path. A president who will love his co fellow men. And will stand as a father/mother in a millions of filipinos.
Yes, many people doesnt want to be vaccinated because they are afraid. Afraid of everything but its thier choice. Because everyone has a freedom. Freedom to choose wether they want it or not. But to be free from these lets get all vaccinated.
Poverty is one of the most serious problem that we had here in the philippines. Many filipinos sacrificed their happiness and be with their family because of this problem. Filipinos tried to fly everywhere in the world just to seek job. A job that would be a way for an OFW and his/her family wont be homeless again. Sacrificing is a very hurtful way for you to help your family. It is very sad to know that the only way to have a better life is to be far from our loveones just to fulfill the want and need for our family.
Yes it is. Cutting trees would be the cause of any floodings that will lead to eruptions. We most stop cutting trees in order for us to be safe from those hazardous situation. We can deeply think that what if we still have many trees in the mountains could floodings be possible? If we have more trees would there will be no died human because of those type of phenomenon?
You can search online videos for learning and knowledgable purpose using phone or any gadgets. Example Daycare pupils whom need more fun to relate on what they are doing. Tracing names, letters, numbers and etc. Especially now a days that pupils could not interact with their teachers. But for their learning one of the learning material or tools is CELLPHONES.
I am very sure that many online sellers like me would be very happy. The more items to be post without hassle. The more money we can get. Thats why i am looking forward to what you are planning for in the future. I know GOD will grant all your desires to help not only for one but for all.
As a human being who lived in this wonderful world. We could raise or make a program in every community where in people should plant trees every year. Lets do this hand in hand. Through this we can save our mother earth as will as our soon generations.
Yes,thats why were very much thankful about how government and the people care about the earth. Lets spread ” STOP CUTTING TREES , INSTEAD PLANT MORE TREES TO SAVE OUR MOTHER EARTH”.
Yes, your right especially kids now a days. From morning until bedtime. Thats why we would like to tell all the parents to please used time management to your kids. For them not to be so much exposed on gadgets. But for them to be aware on what caused and effects would they get in so much exposing on gadgets.
Yes, most especially when you are an online seller like me. Selling items online using our mobile phones would be so easy. No need to go outside. No need to rush. No need to communicate via face to face especially now a days. No need to worry about on how you can sell your items. With the use of cellphones, in just one click your items was already posted. And in just a blink of an eye most of your items was already sold.
Yes admin, would love to recommend it not only for my friends but to evryone.😀