How to create a Blog Post in a few minutes

Blogs are merely a personal perspective of a person’s thoughts about a specific subject of topic. In other words, a blogger is just providing there own opinion about something and writing their thoughts down about that thought on paper, typing it out on a computer etc.
Creating a blog topic should never be complicated or hard because most of us talk about something each and everyday with people daily, weekly monthly etc., that person is actually creating a verbal blog between hum and the person or people that he is communicating with right? If this logic holds true, then each and everyone of us is already blogging.
So just take those conversations on any topic that you sometimes talk about to friends, family membersm at work, school etc., and place the key words of your dissions down on papar.
For example, Jane just talked about how the neighbor that has been having a baby every year. From that simple conversation that Jane had, we can created some topic about it like this:
- Having Babies every year, is it safe?
- Getting pregnant every year creates a big family fast.
- Having a baby every year can be very expensive on the family budget.
- Becoming pregnant every year can be a very adventurist time.
- The challenges of having a baby every year.
Now from each those titles, we can talk about each one, and created one or two to ten sentence for each one creating a paragraph for each one, and evenly have one compete blog page of content ready post.
Now if you are like some who have a hard time getting started, here is an online tool that you simply can put in any word that you can think about and it will give you an suggestion of a possible title / topic for that word:
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