First Filipino to Win Nobel Peace Prize

Maria Ressa the co-creator of the very popular investigative digital media company Rappler is sharing the Nobel Peace Price with Russian Dmitry Muratov.

Although the Nobel Prize will not solve and the systemic challenges revolving around controversial issues with sometimes severe backlash which sometimes resulted in deadly consequences to targeted Journalist; it has at least shined the spotlight on these and related issues
Some predict that this newfound attention and fame for Maria Ressa may further enrage some in high government levels who has already become somewhat of a symbol in the fight for freedom of the press in the Philippines where claim journalist are under constant threat of harassment and attack.
This prestigious award personifies the achievements that Filipinos continue to make national and sometimes around the world. Filipinos demonstrate time and time again, they can not and will not be help back from achieving what ever goals they set out to obtain, no matter that the obstacle in their way may be.
As does not enter into the realm of politics, we congratulate the first Filipino (Maria Ressa) for this outstanding achievement.
Maria Ressa is one of the bravest Journalist Filipino I have known she is always fight for what she believed is right for other people, she want to prove that we all have the freedom to speak. I am very proud that she is a filipino, at least we have our own very strong woman who will fight for those people who cannot speak for themselves and she won’t allowed to be bribe by the politics.
Yes, I agree that Maria Ressa is a very brave journalist and very proud Filipino that all Filipinos can be proud of. It appears that Maria Ressa of Rappler fame has weathered the storm of so many that hate the type of reporting that she does; which is to uncover information that appears to not be transparent when it comes to certain elements in high places of power that are may be committed some very questionable acts.
Maria Ressa has been threaten, jailed, and harassed to no end, but continues to hold on to her values of truth, justice and the pursuit of accountability. Being the co-founder of Rappler has and continues to demonstrate absolute courage in the face of criticism.
Maria Ressa has been recognized by a very prestigious organization presenting her with the Nobel Peace Prize signifies her place in history by being the first (and only one so far) Filipino to have received this high honor.
Yes Admin I think she is the first Filipino who have been recognized as a bravest journalist in our Philippine history so far. She is not afraid of telling the truth even a lot of people threaten here and her families life. I also read the news in the internet about her, as a matter of fact they said that she is not afraid that she exposed a lot of politicians secrets. She is the CEO of the Rappler that’s why she’s always fight for what is right specially when it comes the rules and regulations not only in the Philippine laws but other country’s laws also. Imagine she became one of the most popular reporter in other countries to for more than a decades now if I’m not mistaken. In my opinion Maria Ressa is one of our Philippine hero when it comes of exposing bad politicians and that is why a lot of journalists want to become like her.
This Filipino journalist signifies the strength and courage that is installed in the hearts of all Filipino people in my opinion. There an aurora (gleam of brilliant light) of a can-do attitude with Maria Ressa that appears to transcend and overcome any obstacles place in front of her. One may say that she could be the role model of all her fellow journalist, and many Filipinos that need a boost of inspiration from time to time in order to remember the true powerful sprit of the Filipino from times long ago. This spirit that appears to be instilled on most Filipinos is solid, and unwavering (can not be broken), meaning it is here to stay. We salute the Filipino spirit.
@Gman Yes admin. She is famous now because of what she did. Most news in the tv now is talking about her work and successful work on tv. She run the President of the Philippines now because she is strong woman. I’m sure many Filipino will vote for her if she run to become president. I like here because she is a good model of every Filipino ladies here in my country.
@Jhane Jhane you are correct. Maria Ressa was already famous; however with this new found recognition, the fame is going to sky rocket around the world. She is now on the world stage, and more people will learn about her, and perhaps, all her causes as well. Although Maria Ressa is and or the company Rappler are facing charges for under the Philippines’ the cyber libel law. So the challenges facing Maria Ressa continue to be serious obstacles for her, she appears to maintain a very positive attitude. The true spirt of the Filipino is alive and well.
@Gman yes Admin very true. Being famous sometimes becomes dangerous. Her family maybe can’t sleep at night because they very worried about her and her work. But is a good that she have a lot of security guard so she don’t need to worry about her life. Yes she is very positive person and very strong woman I believe that she can change our country if she will run to be president.
@Jhane Right, fame sometimes come with danger. When someone investigates others who are in power, then that can be dangerous in itself. Rappler, and Maria Ressa have chosen to ignore any and all dangers and keep trying to hold people in power accountable for their actions when it appears a need to do son. This is just part of the job description when one id an investigative reported. Hopefully, there will not be any deadly or unfair results in this case. Let us all pray that journalist all lover the world are kept safe from harm.
@Gman your right. Here in my country a lot of celebrities is famous. Sometimes they have a lot of enemies and bashers. Some people jealous or don’t like them because they pretty and rich. They have a big house and a lot of money that’s why they can afford big house. And people don’t like to see like that.
Maria Ressa is one of the most popular person. But being popular is not good. Hence, she just did what was her ambitions and what she wants and what was the right thing to do. It is just like a call of professionalism that she had to do for her job. And being her, is like a stone that no one could ever break of what she just promised for her job.
@erma exactly right, being popular has its drawbacks. For example, a famous person like Princess Diana was chased by the news reports (known as Paparazzi) may have been a very contributing factor in princess Dianna’s death. Others like Michael Jackson could not ever go out in public without a costume without being mobbed. Popular can be good or a bad thing depending on the person, the fame, and the issues surrounding them. In the case of reporters they tend to generate both goodwill people who love them, and others that hate them. When someone in power becomes an enemy of a reporter, the reported may be harassed , and sometime life becomes a magnet of deadly threats which are sometimes carried out. Great points on this issue, thank you.